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Don Elliott , President, Managing Partner
Don leads Gravitate as a compassionate visionary, dedicated to creating positive change for people. As a natural commander of growth and a pristine track record of scaling multiple national agencies, he has shown his dedication towards the community and clients alike. Don’t mistake him for being all business though… he’s casually a non-fiction writer, Dungeon Master, and a scotch connoisseur. And just like the perfect balance of a glass of Oban 18, Don is equal parts of creativity and getting shit done.
November 23, 2022 | Learn About Gravitate
In these unpredictable times, it’s easy to get caught up in the negativity of current events and allow the entire lens through which you view the world to shift. It’s a downward spiral (vicious cycle, anyone?) that can be hard to pull yourself from.
At times like these, I focus on the things that bring me joy and fulfillment. Not giant promises and dreams that can bring giant disappointments, but the small things: cold sunny days, bright leaves, my dog wagging his tail when I come home, mid-shelf scotch… However, since Covid, I have found the most consistent source of comfort, stability, and motivation has been the communities around me. Whether that’s friends and family, our local ‘hood, other writers, or work-mates, they all bring aspects that round out my life and remind me of what truly matters during turbulent times.
I’m privileged to be on a staff of people who genuinely care. Every day I see folks stepping out of their way to help the person next to them or to raise issues before they become problems—all out of genuine compassion for each other. I see a consistent, relentless drive to simply “do what’s right”—and it inspires me daily.
It doesn’t stop there. Every month Gravitatoes volunteer at nonprofits, contribute to local schools, provide thought leadership for different groups, and donate their finances to wonderful causes. There’s an authentic culture of ‘giving’ here, and it drives me to give back in my own life.
This practice of reflection reminds me just how important it is to have the support of people who share the same values. Honesty, compassion, thoughtfulness, and a willingness to take action when others don’t are all core themes that drive me forward. Working beside people who feel the same is not only motivating, it’s flat-out inspiring, and makes me strive even harder to be a better person.
Sometimes life takes unexpected turns, but there are people around you who want nothing more than your success. They want what’s best for you and even if it means taking a risk or going out on a limb. If you’re finding yourself feeling down or struggling with something right now, take some time to reach out and ask those closest to you if they’ll stand by your side while things get better. These relationships don’t come easy, but they’re worth the investment.
Gravitatoes, here’s to you! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. Thank you for taking care of each other, for fighting for our clients even when the going is tough, and, at the end of the day, simply giving a shit in all that you do.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed with negativity or anxiety, try taking a moment to reflect on the people around you who genuinely care. You may just find their conviction in you to be more inspiring than you realized.
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