Struggling to grow your industrial business online? Improve your online presence and achieve lasting growth with Industrial Digital Marketing strategies.

Industrial Digital Marketing

Struggling to get your industrial brand noticed? You’re not alone.

77% of companies turn to digital methods for a boost. Don’t get left behind!

This guide shows you the industrial digital marketing methods that get RESULTS.

Discover actionable steps to blend modern strategies with classic marketing wisdom.

Ready to rev up your growth engines? Keep reading!

Takeaways You’ll Learn

  • Why digital marketing is VITAL for industrial brands to grow online.
  • A great website, strong SEO, and targeted pay-per-click ads increase your online presence.
  • Share helpful articles, videos, and emails to build trust with potential buyers.
  • Engage with your audience through email by offering valuable information.
  • Connect with people through social media to keep your brand fresh in their minds.
  • Six easy steps for building an industrial digital marketing strategy.
  • Leverage emerging innovations to personalize and enhance your marketing efforts.

Why Industrial Digital Marketing Matters

Why Industrial Digital Marketing Matters

More buyers search online before making decisions, especially in the industrial sector.

On average, a B2B buyer performs 12 searches before visiting a website. This trend points to the growing importance of industrial digital marketing.

You’re missing out on potential leads if you’re not visible when these searches happen.

Modern marketing tactics bridge this gap by boosting your visibility where it counts. That’s why 72% of marketing budgets go toward digital marketing channels.

In short, effective digital strategies are crucial for staying relevant and competitive. Meet your potential customers where they are – online!

8 Core Components of Industrial Digital Marketing

Industrial Digital Marketing Components

Digital marketing for industrial companies is like a toolkit for your business’s growth. It has several essential parts working together to make your business THRIVE.

You need a strong foundation covering these digital marketing basics to drive success.

  1. Industrial Website Design
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  3. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) for Instant Traffic
  4. Content Marketing for Manufacturing Companies
  5. Email Marketing for Manufacturers
  6. Social Media Marketing for Brand Awareness
  7. Video Marketing to Promote Your Products
  8. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

1. Industrial Website Design: Optimize Your UX

Industrial Website Design

Your website is the hub of your digital marketing and sales efforts. It’s where potential customers get their first impression of your business.

But creating a user-friendly experience (UX) is more than looks. It needs to function right.

Here’s how to make it happen:

  • Easy to Use: Make navigation simple. People should find things fast, like products or contact information.
  • Fast to Load: Like flipping a light switch, your website should open fast. Quick loading means more sales.
  • Looks Good Everywhere: Your site should look great on all device sizes. Think mobile phones, tablets, and desktops.
  • Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Tell people what to do next, like “Buy Now” or “Call Us Today.” Compel them to take action.
  • Design Consistency: Keep your design and layout consistent. It makes your site easier to use and recognize.
  • ADA Compliant: Ensure everyone can use your site, including people with disabilities. Use image alt text for screen readers, larger text, and color contrast.
  • Engaging Content: Use visuals and words to grab attention. This helps people engage with your site and products.
  • Support and Chat Options: Offer help when needed. If someone has a question, ensure they can ask it fast.

The Takeaway:

Your website is a digital storefront. Make it welcoming and easy to use.

It’s also more than a place to show off your products or services. It’s where connections begin.

Make it a space where every visitor feels valued, and watch your engagement and sales grow.

Ready to elevate your website? We’ll build a custom web design that wins customers at first click!

2. SEO: Build a Strong Online Foundation

Industrial SEO

SEO sets the stage for your digital marketing success. It ensures the RIGHT people find your industrial products and services online.

Where to begin with Search Engine Optimization? Start with the basics.

Find the Right Keywords:

First, find relevant keywords your customers use when searching for products like yours. These are like planting signposts throughout the internet.

But don’t use any keywords or phrases. Be strategic.


Choose keywords with high buying intent. For example, find long-tail queries and industry-specific phrases.

These terms may not get tons of searches. But they attract people ready to buy or want to learn about what you offer. (a.k.a. qualified leads!)

Write Helpful Content:

Create compelling content that answers questions, provides solutions, and helps your readers.

Also, use a clear layout to keep your readers hooked. Here’s how:

  • Structure your content in a logical way that guides the reader.
  • Use descriptive headings with relevant keywords.
  • Add bullet points and numbered lists for easy scanning.
  • Bold words to draw attention to important ideas.
  • Use tables and visuals to break up text and support ideas.
  • Write short sentences and paragraphs to make it easy to read.

Keep Checking Your SEO:

Search Engine Optimization is not a one-time task. Track your efforts and continuously improve them.

When done right, SEO can enhance your industrial products or services visibility. This can lead to long-term growth and a stronger online presence.

The Takeaway:

SEO is your go-to tool for standing out online. Start with keywords your ideal customers use. This makes it easier for them to find you.

Then, create content that answers their questions before they even ask.

Finally, keep refining your SEO strategies to grow. This approach ensures your business continues to capture the RIGHT attention online.

3. Pay-Per-Click (PPC): Immediate Visibility

Industrial PPC

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) for industrial companies puts your brand front and center fast.

Imagine showing up at the very top of Google as soon as someone searches for your product. That’s what PPC does.

90% of internet users see Google ads. This immediate visibility is a revenue-generating machine!

Here’s the Scoop:

Paid advertising can look like simple text ads or eye-catching banners on websites.

Paid ads are versatile, too. For instance, you can set your ads to reach people in specific locations or certain age groups.

And here’s the kicker—you only spend money when someone clicks on your ad. It draws traffic to your website and leads without breaking the bank.

Combine Ads with Landing Pages:

This approach creates direct pathways to your products. Give potential buyers what they need right when they need it.

Guide them to custom pages filled with helpful info. This will boost your chances of a sale and make the buying process smoother.

PPC is all about instant connections. You’re not waiting in line; you’re the main event right off the bat.

The Takeaway:

This immediate presence can accelerate sales, especially when looking to outpace your competition.

It’s your ticket to getting seen first and fast!

4. Content Marketing: Establish Authority

Industrial Content Marketing

Content marketing is the best way to show off your expertise in the industrial space.

Plus, content generates over 3x as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less.

Here’s a quick and fast way to get those results:

Be a Thought Leader:

Position your company as an expert in the industrial field with valuable content.


Share insights and solutions through blog posts, white papers, or case studies. This highlights your knowledge, experience, and proven results.

Engage Without Selling:

Offer content that addresses your audience’s challenges and questions.

Capture their interest and show your value without being too pushy.

Build Trust and Credibility:

By providing useful information, you earn the trust of your audience.

Trust and credibility are crucial in turning casual readers into loyal customers.

Think Beyond Traffic:

A content marketing strategy goes beyond attracting visitors to your site.

It also forges meaningful connections that can evolve into sales and repeat customers.

Become a Go-To Resource:

Aim to be the reliable source your audience turns to for information. Your products or services will be their first choice when ready to buy.

The Takeaway:

Content marketing for manufacturing companies has five main goals:

  1. Increase your brand awareness online
  2. Attract qualified leads interested in your offerings
  3. Educate prospects about your products or services
  4. Build relationships with potential and existing customers
  5. Turn those relationships into sales and return customers

Content transforms your expertise into a magnet that attracts customers online. It’s the best inbound marketing method.

Focus on being helpful and providing value. Then, watch your business become the preferred choice in the industrial space.

5. Email Marketing: Nurture Buyer Relationships

Industrial Email Marketing

Email marketing for manufacturers gives you a direct line to buyers. It helps keep your brand at the top of their minds.

That’s why 18% of manufacturing marketers say email is an effective digital marketing strategy.

But not every email works. You’ll need to give our audience a reason to click and read. How?

Keep Them Updated:

Offer helpful tips or exciting updates about your products. Make each message matter to them.

This approach builds trust and keeps your relationship strong.

More Than Selling:

Give them useful information. Don’t always try to sell something.

Provide value and keep the conversation going even after a sale.

Personalize Your Approach:

Send personalized emails to make your customers feel valued and understood.

Use data like their website visits or past purchases to personalize your messages.

This tailored approach shows you’re attentive to their specific needs and preferences.

Use Lead Flows:

Lead flows invite people to download valuable content in exchange for their contact information.

Think of it as opening a door to potential customers by giving them something helpful first.

The Takeaway:

Over time, these interactions turn into strong buyer relationships.

It sets the stage for more sales down the line without making your email feel like a sales pitch.

6. Social Media Marketing: Build Brand Awareness

Industrial Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a fast and easy way to build brand awareness in the industrial sector.

Your goal? Turn casual browsers into loyal customers who trust your brand.

Make people remember you when they need industrial solutions.

Here’s how:

Make Your Mark:

Think of your social media like bright billboards. They show off what’s unique about your manufacturing business.

Connect at the Right Time:

Align your messages with the buyer’s journey. This will allow you to answer their questions at the right time in their decision-making process.

This strategy will draw attention to your products or services. It will also position you as an authority in the industrial sector.

Connect and Share:

Use sites like LinkedIn and Facebook to share your stories and talk to potential customers.

It’s like having a conversation with them right where they are.

Also, focus on organic posts and ads to grab attention. This method can bump up demand for what you sell and attract more potential buyers.

The Takeaway:

Use social media to promote your business.


Share your expertise and stories on platforms where they already hang out.

Keep doing this to build trust. It’s a fast way to get noticed and become the go-to brand for your customers.

7. Video Marketing: Promote Your Products

Industrial Video Marketing

Video marketing is crucial for manufacturing business owners. It’s an effective method to promote industrial products and services.


Video is a preferred choice for many wanting to learn more about a product.

Get this:

69% of consumers believe a product demo best assists them in the buying process.

Why? Because videos make complicated concepts easy to understand.

Here’s how to make video work for your business:

Choose Your Video Type:

Use different types of video to assist in making a purchase decision. Video marketing types include:

  • Explainer videos
  • Product demos
  • Sales videos
  • Teaser videos
  • Video ads
  • Social media videos
  • Customer testimonials
  • Customer service videos

Show and Tell:

Use video to showcase your machinery or products in action.

Make it easy to understand what you offer. This helps people see how your products solve their problems.

Build Brand Awareness:

Videos are also great for building brand awareness and trust.


Put a friendly face to your company name. Let viewers see the people behind your products.

Educate Your Audience:

Use engaging videos to explain your products or services.

For example, provide concise demos or explainers. Make things easy to understand. This will also showcase your expertise.

Attract and Convert:

Good videos attract more people and turn them into buyers.

Offer tips, happy customer stories, or product teasers to generate buzz.

Then, share your vids on social media, your website, and in emails to reach a broad audience.

The Takeaway:

Use video to share your story and your products. It’s a powerful way to connect with more people and showcase your business.

8. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Convert Leads

Industrial CRO

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) helps you get more sales from your website visitors.

CRO is not about getting more traffic. It’s making the most of the traffic you already have.

Think of it like fine-tuning a car, but for your website.

Here’s how to make your website and emails better at getting leads:

Small Changes, Big Impact:

Make simple changes, like clear call-to-actions or faster loading times.

Yep! Even the tiny things can make a big difference. These easy changes can help you get more leads.

Keep Improving:

Leverage A/B testing. Think of this as sharpening your digital tools. You might have to try different things to see what works best.

For example, change how your website looks or how you talk to people in emails.

Tweak and test different parts of your site. For example, headlines, product descriptions, and button colors. See what makes people buy more.

Get More from Your Marketing Campaign:

Making these changes also maximizes your return on every penny spent on digital marketing.

Wait, what?

By tracking which CTA gets more clicks, you discover what works best. This process turns guesses into data-driven decisions.

As a result, you raise your sale rates without needing more traffic.

It’s a winning manufacturing marketing plan aiming to improve online profitability.

The Takeaway:

Work on making your website and marketing better at turning visitors into leads.

Small changes can make a big difference. Also, keep testing and improving. This will help you get more from your marketing efforts.

Ready to dominate the top of search results and turn clicks into customers? Schedule your free strategy call today!

How to Develop an Industrial Digital Marketing Strategy (6 Easy Steps)

Industrial Digital Marketing Strategy

Creating a killer industrial marketing strategy seems big, right? Yet, it’s like putting together a puzzle.

Follow these simple steps to maximize your digital marketing efforts:

Step 1: Analyze Your Current Growth Strategy

Take a hard look at how your company is doing right now. Are you getting enough website visits? How many new sales leads are you pulling in?

This stuff matters! Start by sizing up your current digital marketing tactics against these benchmarks. Look into your industrial SEO efforts, email campaigns, and social media presence.

Use tools like Google Analytics to see where your traffic comes from. Find out which parts of your strategy bring people to your site and keep them there.

Is it your blogs, videos, or something else? Knowing this helps you see what’s working and where to step it up.

Step 2: Identify Your Target Audience in the Industrial Sector

Finding your ideal customer means knowing who needs your products or services.

Start by defining a detailed profile of this ideal customer. Consider what problems they face and how your offerings provide solutions.

For B2B marketing, focus on managers, plant operators, and engineers as critical personas. They often make purchasing decisions.


Use tools like customer surveys and market analysis. Gather insights about their needs and preferences. Then, act on that data!

Also, research hot topics in the industry to include in your content strategy. Then, use specific keywords to attract them to your website.

Speak directly to their needs.

Step 3: Integrate Marketing Efforts with Sales for Maximum Impact

Make your marketing and sales squad work together.

Imagine they’re two sides of the same coin. This synergy turbocharges your goal-smashing potential.

Your marketers reel in leads with their magic—ads, social posts, and emails. Then, your sales champs swoop in to turn those leads into happy customers.

Also, use tools like CRM systems to share info smoothly between teams. It will keep all customer interactions crystal clear for everyone.

Don’t forget to measure success. Clear metrics keep both teams focused on what matters—growing the business.

Step 4: Leverage Industrial Marketing Technology for Efficiency

Make the most of industrial marketing technology to work smarter, not harder.

Use digital marketing automation tools for repetitive tasks. Also, use customer relationship management systems (CRMs) to keep track of your customers.

This tech saves you time and improves accuracy in your marketing efforts. You can focus more on strategy and less on day-to-day tasks.

Also, integrate analytics. Pinpoint where you’re hitting the mark and where there’s room for improvement.

For instance, data-driven insights help fine-tune your SEO or content marketing for better results.

With these tools, operations run smoother. Your team makes sharper calls, wastes less time, and stays laser-focused on growth.

Step 5: Establish Metrics and Goals for Measuring Success

First things first, you need clear targets to measure success. What do you want to achieve with your digital marketing goals?

Is it growing website traffic or gaining more leads?

Once you’ve locked in those goals, use marketing tools to track key metrics. See if you’re meeting them.

For example:

  • Google Analytics shows how many people visit your site and what they do there.
  • Email management systems can track opens and clicks.
  • Social media platforms provide insights into shares and likes.

But here’s the kicker—don’t stop there! Use your data to refine your strategy.

So, dive into those numbers. Tweak your approach and watch your digital marketing game soar!

Step 6: Do A/B Testing for Continuous Improvement

A/B testing helps you fine-tune your marketing efforts. It’s like an experiment.

For instance, compare two versions of a webpage, CTA, email, or ad to see which one works better.

Here’s an example of how it works:

  • Create two different button colors on your website.
  • Use an A/B testing tool or analytics to see which button more people click.

These small changes can have a big impact. They get more people interested and buying.

You should use A/B testing for everything in your digital marketing. This includes your website design and content.

As a result, you get a clear picture of what works and what doesn’t.

Lastly, keep checking and changing based on what works. This will improve your marketing strategy’s success.

Advanced Industrial Digital Marketing Strategies

Advanced Industrial Digital Marketing Strategies

Pushing beyond the basics can set you apart. Look into these advanced strategies to help your business grow faster and smarter.

1. Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Did you know 92% of B2B marketers now run an ABM approach? That’s huge!

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is like having a VIP list for your marketing party. Instead of inviting everyone in town, you focus on those who matter to your business.

Tailoring your campaigns to high-value accounts meets each prospect’s unique needs. This approach heightens engagement and conversion by focusing on precision rather than volume.

Using ABM also means knowing where and how you invest your marketing resources. It’s a great way to make genuine connections with businesses that can become lasting partners.

2. Digital Marketing Automation

Here’s an interesting fact: 76% of companies use automation tools to make marketing smoother and faster.

Think of digital marketing automation as your 24/7 sales and marketing assistant. It engages prospects, nurtures leads, and drives sales without constant manual oversight.

For example, use automation tools to manage emails, social media, and other digital channels. Keep your brand top-of-mind with potential buyers with minimal effort!

Imagine sending emails at the right time or tailored product suggestions. Digital marketing automation makes this possible at scale.

Plus, automating routine tasks saves you time by offloading busy work.

Challenges in Industrial Digital Marketing

Industrial Digital Marketing Challenges

Industrial marketers face unique hurdles. These can make connecting with your audience tricky.

Here are the main challenges of digital marketing for manufacturers:

  • Complex Products: It’s hard to explain complex industrial products in easy read format. Ensure people understand the benefits without getting lost in technical jargon.
  • Finding the Right People: Knowing who to market to in the industrial sector requires precision. Decision-makers are often experts in their fields. This means your marketing needs to showcase your expertise.
  • Long Sales Cycles: Sales in the industrial market don’t happen overnight. They take time, often months or even years. This means your marketing strategies must nurture leads over a long period.
  • Tracking Success: It takes time to measure the ROI of marketing efforts. Sales take a long time and involve complex decision-making processes.
  • Digital Transformation: Technology changes fast. It requires ongoing education and adaptation.

For manufacturers, adapting is crucial. You must constantly learn and apply new strategies to stay ahead.

Need help? Request a FREE proposal today. Transform your business into a success story with expert marketing services!

Emerging Industrial Marketing Trends

Industrial Marketing Trends

Several trends in industrial marketing focus on digital transformation and personalized customer experiences.

Key industrial trends include:

  • Increased Automation: More companies use automation to streamline operations and enhance customer interactions.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Manufacturers rely heavily on analytics. The data assists them in tailoring marketing strategies and improving decision-making.
  • Virtual Reality (VR): VR technologies offer immersive ways to demonstrate complex products.
  • Sustainability: Eco-friendly marketing practices are becoming essential to meet growing consumer expectations.
  • Collaborative Technologies: Tools that support collaboration are crucial. They connect with remote teams and customers.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is pivotal in personalizing customer experiences. It can also analyze data to predict what customers want and when they want it.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): IoT devices collect valuable data. This data helps businesses better understand customer habits. Then, respond to customer needs in real-time.

These trends help companies stay competitive and responsive to rapidly changing market demands.

Elevate Your Industrial Digital Marketing to Drive Growth

Starting your marketing campaign machine might seem daunting. But with the right strategies to fuel growth, it can become as proficient as your assembly line.

From efficient website designs to savvy SEO tactics, there’s a toolbox waiting for you.

Keep your content fresh, engage with your buyers through email and social media, and leverage PPC for quick visibility.

With these tips, getting ahead isn’t only possible—it’s within reach.

Ready to accelerate your company’s online presence? Now’s the time to start! Partner with Gravitate.

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