Stay ahead with these emerging industrial marketing trends. Discover how to leverage new technologies and strategies to boost your sales.

Industrial Manufacturing Trends

Ready to transform your manufacturing marketing strategy?

Power through these modern industrial marketing trends. Discover the strategies reshaping how manufacturing companies connect with customers and stay competitive.

Here’s a sneak peek:

  • AI and Machine Learning for smarter marketing
  • Personalized customer journeys at scale
  • Engaging content marketing strategies
  • Revolutionary AR and VR experiences

I’ll break down each trend with practical tips and show you how to apply these strategies.

Let’s make your marketing effort count—are you ready?

15 Industrial Marketing Trends for 2024 (That Get Results)

Diversifying your industrial marketing efforts is crucial. Industrial companies are turning to new strategies and technology to stay ahead.

Here are the big trends shaping marketing strategies for manufacturers.

Industrial Marketing Trends Short Descriptions
Increased Use of AI and Machine Learning Enhances predictive analytics and customer engagement.
Personalization at Scale Tailors marketing to individual needs, improving effectiveness.
Enhanced Use of Content Marketing Drives traffic and engagement through valuable, relevant content.
Voice Search Optimization Adapts content for the increasing use of voice queries.
Greater Emphasis on Customer Experience (CX) Focuses on delivering superior interactive experiences.
Stronger Focus on Video Marketing Captures attention and boosts SEO through video content.
Mobile Marketing Optimization Prioritizes mobile-first strategies for better user experiences.
Increased Use of Chatbots for Marketing Automates interactions, enhancing customer service and engagement.
Integration of IoT in Industrial Marketing Leverages connected devices for data-driven marketing.
Rise of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Focuses on critical accounts with tailored marketing strategies.
Expansion of Digital Twins in Marketing Uses digital replicas for simulation and analysis in marketing strategies.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Engages users with immersive virtual experiences.
Evolution of Data Privacy Regulations Stay compliant with changing laws to maintain customer trust.
Enhanced Focus on Thought Leadership Establishes brand authority and influences through insightful content.
Increasing Use of Programmatic Advertising Automates the buying and placement of ads for efficiency.

Discover how our manufacturing marketing agency can elevate your business.

1. Increased Use of AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) make marketing smarter and more efficient.

How? These technologies analyze large data sets fast, predict trends, and automate repetitive tasks.

These innovations lead to more effective marketing strategies and better customer targeting.

According to a PwC survey, 73% of US companies already use AI. This stat shows AI is becoming more accessible and adaptable.


  • Faster marketing decisions
  • More accurate targeting
  • Lower costs for marketing

Ways to use AI and ML:

  • Predictive Analytics: Use AI to forecast customer demands. Then, adjust your marketing efforts to those demands.
  • Customer Segmentation: ML algorithms segment customers to better tailor marketing messages. This will enhance engagement.
  • Chatbots: AI-driven chatbots provide 24/7 customer service. This improves response times and customer satisfaction.


Use AI and ML to enhance your marketing efforts and better meet customer needs.

2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR change how industrial companies engage with customers.

How? Customers can see and interact with products in real-world, virtual settings.

This immersive experience is helpful for complex industrial products. It helps customers grasp the product better before buying.

Check these AR stats: 61% of consumers prefer retailers that use AR. Also, 71% of shoppers would visit stores more often if they offered AR.


  • Enhanced product demos
  • More engaging customer experiences
  • Improved understanding of products

Ways to use AR and VR:

  • Virtual Tours: Use VR to give a virtual walk-through of your facilities or machinery. This enhances transparency and trust.
  • Product Demos: AR shows customers how products work in real-life, virtual environments.
  • Training Modules: VR is great for training in a safe, controlled virtual environment.


Use AR and VR to make your products relatable and 200% more engaging. This interactive experience will enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.

3. Greater Emphasis on Customer Experience (CX)

Customer experience (CX) is a top priority in the industrial sector. Why? Because a stellar CX leads to higher customer retention, loyalty, and brand advocacy.

How? By understanding and responding to customer needs at every touchpoint. This marketing approach covers the buyer journey from website visits to after-sales support.

Zendesk says over 50% of customers will switch to a competitor after a single bad customer experience. Ouch!


  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Higher customer retention rates
  • More positive reviews and referrals

Ways to Enhance CX:

  • Feedback Systems: Use surveys and feedback tools to learn more about customers. This helps improve products and services.
  • Personalization: Tailor interactions based on customer data to make their experience feel unique.
  • Training Staff: Offer employee training to ensure they provide excellent service. Happy employees lead to happy customers.


These strategies focus on making every interaction count. A great CX can turn a one-time buyer into a loyal customer.

4. Personalization at Scale

Personalization isn’t new, but it’s getting bigger and better. Now, companies can tailor their marketing to each customer at scale.

How? By using data and modern technology to understand customer’s preferences and behavior. Then, deliver tailored experiences that feel personal and relevant.

According to HBR, companies using personalization in marketing see their revenue grow by 6% to 10%.


  • Better customer engagement
  • Increased sales conversions
  • Improved customer loyalty

Ways to Achieve Personalization at Scale:

  • Data Analysis: Use customer data to create detailed profiles and predict their preferences.
  • Targeted Content: Deliver content based on who is viewing it. For example, personalized emails or website experiences.
  • Segmentation: Group customers with similar interests and tailor your marketing to each group. For example, B2B, B2C, demographics, industrial buyers, etc.


Use data and technology to personalize your marketing activities. Make every customer feel special and understood.

5. Enhanced Use of Content Marketing

Content marketing is nothing new. It’s still about creating valuable content to attract and engage customers.

What’s changing? The way manufacturers use content strategies and SEO to remain competitive and relevant.

How? By delivering helpful, relevant content through various channels.

Relying only on organic traffic isn’t sustainable long-term. Search engine algorithm changes, and high competition can tank your traffic in a day.

Instead, diversify with paid ads, social media, video, email marketing, and other sources.

This multi-channel approach will stabilize traffic and expand your reach.

A CMI study highlights the top goals manufacturers achieved with content marketing:

  1. 85% built brand awareness
  2. 67% gained credibility and trust
  3. 66% educated their target audience
  4. 65% increased loyalty with existing clients/customers
  5. 60% generated demand/leads


  • Builds trust and credibility with your audience
  • Increases website traffic and revenue
  • Enhances brand reputation and authority

Ways to Enhance Content Marketing:

  • Interactive Content: Use tools like quizzes, polls, and interactive infographics. These engage users more than text.
  • Video Marketing: Visual formats offer insights in a quick and easy-to-digest format.
  • Blogs with Integrated Tools: Embed calculators or product configurators in posts. Provide immediate value and utility.


Create helpful content to attract, educate, and engage your audience. Provide value, be helpful, and showcase your industry expertise.

This content strategy will build trust and position your brand as a leader. Even better – skyrocket sales!

6. Stronger Focus on Video Marketing

Video marketing is gaining more traction. Why? Because videos can convey complex information in an engaging and digestible format.

Video is also the preferred learning method. It’s ideal for demonstrating products and services in the industrial sector.

👨‍🎓️ 91% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.


  • Grabs attention and engages users better than text
  • Boosts information retention
  • Increases conversion rates

Ways to use Video Marketing:

  • Product Demos: Host live demos or virtual events to engage with prospects in real-time.
  • Customer Testimonials: Share stories from satisfied customers. This will build trust and credibility.
  • Explainer Videos: Create videos to explain how your products or services work.


Embrace video marketing to help customers understand and connect with your offerings.

Your products or services solve problems for customers. Think which visuals best explain what they do and why they’re useful. Also, capture the key benefits in a simple way.

7. Voice Search Optimization

Voice search optimization adapts content for voice search queries like questions and commands. It makes your online content easy to find with smartphones and smart speakers.

Why it’s vital? Because 3.1 billion users make voice searches each month.

How? Optimize your content with natural language phrases and questions people use. These changes help your content show up when someone asks a device a question.


  • Increases visibility in voice search results
  • Captures more mobile users
  • Enhances user convenience

Ways to Optimize for Voice Search:

  • Question-Based Content: Create content that answers common questions related to your industry.
  • Local Keywords: Use phrases people in your area might say when looking for your products or services.
  • Clear Formatting: Ensure your content is easy to read for people and search engines on all devices.


Adapt your content for voice search. You will reach more customers where they are — speaking to their devices.

Think phones, tablets, smart speakers, and other smart devices.

8. Mobile Marketing Optimization

Making your marketing accessible on all devices is vital for reaching users on their phones or tablets. Ensure you can reach people no matter what device they use.

Why it’s crucial? Because more people access the internet via smartphones than computers. You might miss potential customers if your content is not mobile-friendly.

Over 60% of website traffic comes from mobile devices.


  • Better user experience on mobile
  • Higher engagement from mobile users
  • Increased traffic and conversions from mobile devices

How to Make it Happen:

  • Personalized Messages: Send tailored texts to keep customers informed and engaged.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your website looks good, loads fast, and works on all devices.
  • Location-Based Offers: Send special deals when customers are nearby.


Prioritize mobile optimization in your marketing strategy. Also, test your content on various devices to ensure a smooth user experience.

This simple step can lead to better customer satisfaction and more sales.

9. Increased Use of Chatbots for Marketing

A Chatbot is an automated program that talks to customers on your website. It answers questions and helps people in real-time, 24/7. 🤖

How? By using pre-set scripts or AI. Chatbots handle basic customer inquiries instantly. This convenience frees your team time to focus on more involved issues.

Check these chatbot stats: 62% of customers would use a chatbot for help instead of waiting for customer service. Meanwhile, 38% would wait for a human.


  • Always available customer support
  • Faster response times
  • Lower costs for customer service

Ways to Use Chatbots:

  • Customer Support: Automate answers to common questions.
  • Lead Generation: Collect information from potential customers.
  • Instant Feedback: Get customer opinions right after they interact with your bot.


Use chatbots to improve your customer service and save time. Your customers get fast answers, and your team can do more.

These advantages are especially useful for industrial eCommerce.

10. Integration of IoT in Industrial Marketing

IoT (Internet of Things) connects devices over the Internet to gather and share data. IoT devices can range from smartphones to industrial robots.

This tech provides detailed insights into how people use your products.

How? IoT devices collect data from equipment and products in real-time. This innovation gives you access to customer usage patterns and preferences.

Then, use the data for more targeted and effective marketing efforts. For example, optimize product features, tailor marketing messages, and improve customer satisfaction.

IoT enables smart factories and Industry 4.0 through real-time data collection, analysis, and automation. This results in improved efficiency and reduced costs. – Martech


  • Deeper insights into customer behavior
  • Improved product development based on actual usage data
  • Enhanced customer interactions

Ways to Use IoT:

  • Usage Data: Track customer interactions with your products. Then, tailor marketing messages for improved results.
  • Customer Feedback: Use IoT devices to get real-time feedback on product performance. Use these insights to improve the quality.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Alert customers to potential issues before they arise. Being proactive enhances satisfaction and trust.


Leverage IoT to gain valuable insights and offer tailored services.

Discover your customers’ needs, usage patterns, and pain points. Then, provide recommendations, targeted offers, and proactive support.

11. Rise of Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) targets specific high-value accounts. It aligns marketing and sales efforts to turn priority accounts into loyal customers.

Gitnux reports 87% of companies say ABM provides a higher return on investment (ROI) than other types of marketing.

How? Creating personalized marketing campaigns focused on specific companies’ or decision-makers’ needs and interests.


  • More personalized marketing
  • Higher return on investment (ROI)
  • Stronger customer relationships

Ways to Use ABM:

  • Tailored Content: Create content for specific decision-makers. This ensures messages resonate and drive engagement.
  • Targeted Campaigns: Run marketing campaigns designed for specific accounts. This sharpens focus and improves conversion rates.
  • Close Alignment with Teams: Ensure marketing and sales teams work together. This collab keeps messaging consistent and tailored.


Use ABM to build stronger relationships with key customers. This method is more targeted and successful because it focuses on high-value clients.

12. Expansion of Digital Twins in Marketing

Digital Twins are virtual models of physical products or processes. They help companies understand how products perform before they’re built or used.

🤯 92% of manufacturers feel digital twins have made their products and processes more sustainable.

How? For example, B2B marketers can predict how a product will perform. They do this with virtual models to simulate different scenarios and outcomes.


  • Better product insights
  • Reduced risk in product development
  • More effective marketing strategies

Ways to use Digital Twins:

  • Product Testing: Simulate how new products perform in different market segments before launching.
  • Customer Engagement: Use virtual simulations to show customers potential product benefits.
  • Performance Optimization: Improve product designs and marketing strategies based on virtual testing results.


Use digital twins to refine your marketing strategies and product offerings.

This process ensures better performance and customer satisfaction by predicting outcomes before launch.

13. Increasing Use of Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Advertising automates the buying and placing of ads. It uses software and algorithms to target ads to specific industrial segments.

How? Data and machine learning help decide where and when to show ads. This method matches ads with the right people at the right time.

ROI Revolution claims 86% of digital advertising revenue will come from programmatic ads


  • More precise ad targeting
  • Efficient use of advertising budgets
  • Real-time ad optimization

Ways to Use Programmatic Advertising:

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Use data to decide where and when to place ads. This increases ad success by targeting the right audience at the best time.
  • Audience Targeting: Focus ads on people most interested in your products or services. This approach ensures more relevant and engaging ads for potential customers.
  • Performance Tracking: Track ad performance and make adjustments in real-time. This will save money and bolster ad success.


Adopt programmatic advertising to maximize your ad reach and effectiveness. This tactic ensures you get the best return on your investment.

14. Enhanced Focus on Thought Leadership

Thought leadership in industrial marketing involves sharing insights and expertise in your industry. It builds trust and credibility to establish your brand as a leader.

How? By creating content that showcases your knowledge and influences your industry. This content can include articles, webinars, and public speaking events.

This Edelman study finds 54% of decision-makers spend over an hour per week reading and reviewing thought leadership.


  • Builds brand authority
  • Attracts business partnerships
  • Gains customer trust

Ways to Promote Thought Leadership:

  • Expert Content: Write articles or reports to showcase your knowledge. Also, provide information gain with new insights.
  • Speaking Engagements: Speak at industry events to share your expertise. These opportunities are also excellent for networking.
  • Webinars: Host webinars to discuss current trends and solutions. Also, invite other industry experts to build trust and credibility.


Focus on thought leadership to strengthen your brand’s reputation. This approach builds trust and positions you as an industry leader.

15. Evolution of Data Privacy Regulations

Data privacy regulations are changing to better protect consumer information. These laws affect how companies collect, store, and use customer data.

How? New laws require companies to be more transparent about data use. It also gives customers more control over their information.

Compliance is not only legal but also builds trust with customers who are aware of their data rights.

60% of users would spend more money with a brand they trust to handle their personal data responsibly.


  • Increases customer trust
  • Improves data security
  • Ensures compliance with laws

Ways to Adapt Data Privacy Regulations:

  • Privacy Policies: Update policies and explain how you use customer data. This builds trust and complies with regulations.
  • Consent Management: Make it easy for customers to give or withdraw consent. Use a clear popup at website entry.
  • Data Security: Strengthen security to protect customer information. Put in place more robust safeguards against data breaches.


Keep up with the latest data privacy laws to ensure your customer’s information is safe.

Doing this helps build trust with your customers. It shows your business prioritizes security.

Why Follow Manufacturing Marketing Trends?

Industrial Marketing Advantages

Keeping up with new marketing trends is vital for staying ahead in an evolving manufacturing industry.

Why pay attention to trends for your manufacturing marketing plan? Here are the top five reasons:

  1. Beat the Competition: Keeping up helps you stay ahead of others in your industry who are slower to adapt.
  2. Meet Customer Needs: Customers expect modern, quick, and reliable interactions. New trends help you meet these needs.
  3. Cut Costs: Trends like automation and AI make work faster and cheaper.
  4. Connect with Customers: Using the latest marketing strategies boosts customer interest and loyalty.
  5. Spark Innovation: New trends can lead to fresh ideas and big changes in your business.

By embracing these trends, your manufacturing business will stay relevant and competitive. Both are advantages in the fast-moving manufacturing sector.

Challenges of Adopting Trends in Industrial Marketing

Industrial Marketing Challenges

Adopting new trends isn’t always easy. You might worry about your marketing budget or how to start.

But the bigger risk is falling behind!

Start small, measure your results, and grow from there.

Here are some common hurdles and how to handle them:

  1. Cost Concerns: New marketing tools or strategies might seem costly at first. Plan phased investments and track ROI to justify the initial spend.
  2. Knowledge Gaps: Learning new technologies or methods takes time and training. The right tools can streamline this learning process.
  3. Resource Allocation: You might need to shift resources, which can disrupt current operations. To reduce disruption, make gradual changes and use project management tools.
  4. Change Resistance: Sometimes, teams resist changing their usual ways of doing things. Highlight the benefits and reward adaptability to foster an adaptive culture.
  5. Integration Issues: New systems need to work with your existing tools. Use integration specialists or platforms to ensure smooth transitions.

Grasping these challenges can help you prepare and plan, smoothing the adoption process.

Break through the barriers! Work with Gravitate to turn marketing challenges into triumphs.

Ready to Improve Your Manufacturing Marketing Strategy?

Are you looking to accelerate your marketing results? Partner with us at Gravitate.

Our manufacturing marketing agency masters these trends. We’ll forge an effective strategy that works for you and your customers.

Streamline Your Marketing Like Your Production Line!

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Manufacturing Marketing Trends FAQs

Have questions about emerging manufacturing marketing trends? We’ve got answers.

What Is the Biggest Trend in Manufacturing Marketing Today?

The biggest trend in manufacturing marketing now is personalization. This targeted marketing approach tailors your content for each customer.

For example, if someone buys a drill, follow up with an email suggesting safety goggles or drill bits.

Adjust your message to fit their specific needs and preferences. Your content will be more relevant and effective.

How Does Video Marketing Benefit Manufacturers?

Videos show your industrial products in action. This visual experience helps customers see how they work and why they’re valuable.

Videos also make it easier for people to remember your products. This dives interest and increases sales.

Why Is Data Privacy Important in Manufacturing Marketing?

Data privacy keeps customer information safe, builds trust, and complies with new laws. Effective data management can also foster customer loyalty and safeguard corporate information.

Can Small Manufacturers Adopt Digital Marketing Trends?

Yes! Small manufacturers can use digital marketing. These strategies are scalable and fit any business size.

Small industrial brands can start small and adjust as they grow. Digital tools like social media platforms, email, and websites are affordable.

This approach to marketing will reach new customers and grow brands without a big budget.

How Does Artificial Intelligence Influence Digital Marketing?

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes digital marketing tasks easier and more effective. Here’s how AI is changing the game:

  1. Personalization: AI tailors marketing to fit each customer’s preferences, improving effectiveness.
  2. Marketing Automation: AI handles repetitive tasks like emails and social posts. This frees your marketing team for bigger projects.
  3. Smart Decisions: AI analyzes data to spot trends and predict customer behaviors. These insights help industrial marketers make informed choices.
  4. Customer Service: AI chatbots provide 24/7 customer support. This convenience improves shopping experiences and saves money.
  5. Content Optimization: AI recommends content ideas, improvements, and best times to publish. This strategic marketing will maximize your campaign’s success.