Copy That Gets Clicks

All the technological advancements, tools, and platforms available to PPC and social marketers aren’t worth much if you can’t craft compelling ad copy that gets clicks. On an emotional level, our ad copy works to reflect your audience’s goals, appeals to your audience’s sense of entitlement, and includes emotional trigger words proven to evoke incredibly powerful responses. Technically speaking, our ad copy creates unique, keyword-rich display URLs, is crammed with meaningful statistics, and preemptively responds to common needs such as pricing structure or locations.

Every Decision Is A/B Tested

Social ads live on social media where people are inundated with content from their friends, brands the like, and brands they don’t even know. It’s tough to get noticed, let alone get your audience to engage with you. The first hurdle is getting noticed—we need people to stop frantically scrolling and take the time to read your post. While we use a combination of emotional and technical tactics to craft our copy, we’re only as strong as our rigorous A/B testing. We believe best practices give us the foundation, but real data gathered in real conditions is what really determines successful ad copy for your business.


Ready to start a project or really curious about our process?

Drop us a note or give us a call (888) 217-9502; we’re happy to answer all your questions.