Competitive Strategy Insights (CSI) Report

Shh…don’t tell your competitors 

The best way to find out what’s working is by spying on your competitors’ strategies!

That’s exactly what our Competitor Strategy Insights (CSI) report does for you.

Listen, clarity is key in an effective strategy.

And clarity requires quantifiable evidence that a strategy will or will not work.

We’ve been at this for 25 years, we know how to make it work.

It all starts with winning the game of attention in your industry.

To gain attention, it takes an understanding of the algorithmic factors that search engines base their rankings on.

We’ll take a look under the hood of your website’s metrics, your competition, and even potential threats to figure out where you have the algorithmic strength to compete online.

Google processes nearly 100,000 searches per SECOND.

Going into the battle for Google’s attention requires a solid game plan.

You’re competing against a variety of algorithms today, not just for organic search, but:

  • AI Overviews
  • AI Platforms
  • Featured Snippets
  • People Also Ask
  • Local Business Profiles
  • Paid Search Listings
  • Dataset Results
  • Video Results
  • Organic Rankings
  • Meta, LinkedIn, and more…

Your competitive search landscape has NEVER been so crowded.

Do your marketing budget a favor and start with a competitor audit – the Competitor Strategy Insights (CSI) report.

How Does the Marketing Audit Work?

Our proprietary research strategy takes a peek behind the curtains of your top three competitors to identify the most strategic actions your company can take to position itself as the leader.

This Competitor Strategy Insights (CSI) report will audit the competitions’ paid search, paid social media, and organic SEO strategies and compare their success metrics to your own business.

This helps us prioritize a strategy to capitalize on weaknesses where there are opportunities to steal brand share – quickly!

What Marketing Metrics Do We Analyze?

  • Organic domain authority
  • Backlink profiles
  • Search result pages (SERPs)
  • Keyword gap analysis
  • Local listing stats
  • Competitor ad copy
  • Cost-per-click analysis
  • Social media ad creatives
  • Estimated monthly spends
  • And more!

Competitive Insights & Business Goals

When we pinpoint the singular metrics that allow competitors to rank where they do, we’ll have an exact target we KNOW we must beat.

This gives us a specific target. No hypothesizing, no theories.

Metrics from the CSI report help us dominate paid search and social platforms as well – not just on Google.

Key Benefits of the Competitive Insights & Marketing Audit

The CSI report is just phase one. It’s the compilation of our research, findings, insights, and actionable next steps. Complete with budget recommendations and expected ad spend (if applicable).

You’ll have the option to take this blueprint and execute the strategy internally or play it safe, and partner with us to make sure the job is done right the first time.

Your Own Private Spy

Our specialists manually dig into your competitors ad platforms to peek behind the curtain and dissect exactly how they’re running their programs.

Data points we’ll include are:

  • Employee count
  • Followers / likes
  • Post frequency
  • Number of accounts in use
  • Whether not ads are active
  • Active content types
  • PPC keyword YoY trend
  • PPC keyword competition level
  • PPC keyword search volume
  • And more!

We then aggregate this data into actionable suggestions on how to position your own campaigns for the most success across your entire funnel – top to bottom.

We’ll advise your:

  • Ad types (carousel, video, etc)
  • Audience segmentation (prospecting, remarketing, etc)
  • Platforms (FB vs IG vs Linkedin, etc)
  • Budget (ad spend for each)
  • PPC keyword play (longtail, exact, phrase, etc)

When you’re armed with the right information, specific metrics, platform-backed bid estimates, and an agency with 25 years of experience – you’ve taken LUCK out of the equation.

Schedule your CSI report today - before your competitor does!

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