How Does Web Analytics Work?

Typically, your web development team places a standard tracking code on the website. But the data it collects can be too generic to provide useful insights. A professional web analytics agency can help set up an integrated Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager implementation that provides deeper insights into what users are doing and where they are converting on your site.

The focus of a web analytics service is to generate accurate and meaningful results in an easy-to-read format, including graphs, tables, or charts.

What Data Do Analytics Tools Collect?

  • Total sessions on a site or app
  • New and returning visitors
  • Repeat visit rate
  • Bounce and engagement rate
  • Time spent on the site
  • Customer clickthrough
  • Drilldown behavior
  • Traffic and channel sources
  • Ecommerce transaction values
  • Platform cost per conversion

Website Analytics & Achieving Business Goals

  • Define the likelihood of a customer making a new purchase.
  • Track the amount spent by customers or customer segments for future upsell/cross-sell or promotion strategies.
  • Monitor which regions generate the most (or least) visitors and revenue for certain products and adjust location-based sales or promotions accordingly.
  • Forecast which products are more or less likely to be sold and how to support sales with promotional recommendations.
  • Monitor search terms that drive the highest level of traffic to your site and optimize your site accordingly using SEO.
  • Optimize ad ROI and ad spend by analyzing the performance of top referral sources on relevant social media platforms.
  • Identify last touch attribution assignments to better allocate marketing dollars.

The Benefits of Web Analytics Services

Web analytics services are a great tool for improving your website performance and allowing you to identify opportunities for content and UX optimization.

If done correctly, analytics service delivers more traffic, more conversions, and a higher ROI.

Audience Identification

  • Where are your visitors coming from?
  • Which web channels drive traffic and conversions?
  • How can you improve channel performance?

Knowing who is visiting your website and where they come from can help you tailor both your web content and the content of your best-converting channels.

Monitor the User Journey

  • How long are visitors staying on your site?
  • Which pages do they visit?
  • Did they convert or leave and if so where/when?

Understanding how visitors interact with your website helps you improve your content strategies to drive your audience to the desired outcome.

Pinpoint Top Pages

  • Which content drives the most traffic?
  • What are users searching about to find your website?
  • Which pages drive conversions?

The more you understand your content performance, the better you can improve your strategy for increased conversion and engagement.

Conversion Characteristics

  • What’s the ratio of converting visitors vs. all visitors?
  • How long does it take for a visitor to convert?
  • Which channels do converting visitors come from/visit?

This information can both help improve your content and your overall marketing funnel to drive conversions. Ultimately, marketing attribution services are a strong aspect of all web analytics services.

Who We Serve:

Our Website Analytics Services

As a web analytics agency, Gravitate works as a hand-in-hand partner with your business. We use the entire Google Marketing Suite as part of our services including Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Looker Studio, Google Ads, and Search Console.:

GA4 & Historic GA3 Data

GA4 makes the whole process of tracking data easier. Events that used to require GTM setup in Universal Analytics are now more accessible.

We use GA4, the next generation of analytics, for tracking event data, including video engagement, clicks and link-follows, searches, user scrolls, etc.

Google Tag Manager

We use Google Tag Manager to handle marketing tag implementation and for precise event tracking, including:

  • Custom events
  • Unique conversion tracking
  • Tag firing priorities

This ensures rapid deployment of all tracking codes to gain more insights about what actions your visitors are taking.

Google Ads & Social MEdia Tracking

Google Ads and Google Analytics go together seamlessly (as you’d probably expect). Because of that, we’re able to make sure all traffic and conversions/key events in Google Ads are tracked in Google Analytics, allowing you to see the big-picture performance of all of your advertising channels in one platform.

With omni-channel visitor behavior, it makes sense to also track web conversions occurring on social media. This is critical to drive down the cost of conversion and improve your cost per conversion metrics.

We also use conversion API tracking for Meta and LinkedIn for enhanced social media marketing attribution.

Search Console

Aside from connecting the search console to your Google Analytics 4 property, we also use it to:

  • Track SEO performance
  • Identify potential indexing and security issues
  • Gain insights into backlink data
  • Gain visibility on mobile usability issues
  • Monitor page experience issues

Looker Studio

Looker Studio, previously Google Data Studio, is our solution for turning your data into easy-to-read and shared dashboards in an omnichannel marketing environment with multiple data sources.
We use our Looker Studio expertise to:

  • Design omni-channel reporting
  • Achieve more granular insights through custom metrics
  • Create bespoke KPI dashboard reporting
  • Make sense of different marketing attribution models into a single report
  • Achieve granular insights into goals and goal segmentation


BedMart is a locally-owned and operated family business with over 40 locations throughout Oregon, Southwest Washington, and Hawaii. With roots dating back to the early ’90s, Bedmart is also one of the few regional mattress chains remaining in the US—the rest are either national behemoths or mom-and-pop shops with a couple of locations.

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A Trusted Partner in Web Analytics Services

Counting 24 years of experience and over 30+ experts in our web analytics agency, we are proud to partner with businesses to help them redefine the customer experience online.

Our goals? Deliver ROI and drive growth by putting you in the driving seat of your business digital strategy.
With the right data insights you can make the best use of your marketing dollars!

Unlock Your Full Business Potential With Our Analytics Service