Keep your site safe, stable, and secure

It doesn’t matter how great your site design is, how well you rank in Google, or which cutting-edge features you build — at the end of the day, your site needs to work. Modern users are savvy, with increasingly high expectations — your site needs to be fast, secure, and bug free, or they’ll move on to your competitor.

Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

About Us

  • US-based development team
  • Dedicated support staff
  • Robust ticketing support system
  • Hosting experience since 1999
customer satisfaction
2.5 hours
average response time
24–48 hours
most tickets are resolved

Maintenance packages start at $175/month and hosting at $100/month.

  • WordPress Managed Hosting
  • Website Maintenance and Updates
  • Website Security
WordPress Managed Hosting

WordPress Managed Hosting Services

As WordPress development experts, we know the importance of building a fast, secure, and feature-rich website. But we also know the importance of hosting it on a platform that make the site available to your customers and clients consistently, quickly, and securely. Our hosting solutions are specifically tuned to serve WordPress sites so you can get the most from your website.

We believe the ideal scenario is to have the same company host and maintain your site. When our team has control over both the hosting and development environment, we can reduce bugs, improve stability, optimize load times, increase monitoring and security, and limit costly downtime.

Did you know that there are many different ways to host your website? Shared hosting, cloud-based, virtual private server, dedicated web server, and the list goes on.

Most hosting solutions put your website on shared servers which can be overloaded with thousands of websites, slowing websites to a crawl during peak times.

Our team ensures that your website is hosted on the right server for your needs and ensures that they are tune for performance and security and monitored for uptime. In the event that something does go wrong, we’ll be the first to know, and will have it resolved as quickly as possible.

Website Maintenance and Updates

Website Maintenance & Updates

Getting code changes, plugin updates, and new features added to your site in a seamless manner takes the right planning and the right tools. Our team can take over the management of your site or migrate your existing website one of our servers.

We can assist with application analysis and prioritization for deployments ensuring that your website or application is always online and accessible for your audience. We automate the deployment, deploy security controls, and test for performance and optimization.

Website Security

Website Security

If you’re not worried about your site being hacked, you haven’t been paying attention. Gravitate has helped maintain secure sites for large companies, such as McAfee or Pacific Foods, and small businesses alike. In addition to active development and hosting security, we help avoid issues by advising our clients on the kinds of data you shouldn’t even process on your site.

Common services include: application security, data security, compliance, security hardening, testing, secure access, backups, redundancy, version control, monitoring and alarms, malware detection, and HIPAA compliance.

Need help now?

Start a support ticket by emailing or fill out the form to learn more about ongoing support packages. 


We’re primarily a WordPress, PHP, and Shopify maintenance agency. We can also support custom developed sites,  complex integrations, or legacy platforms in certain situations .

  • Frontend: html(5), css(3), javascript
  • Backend: php, perl, C++, ASP/ASPX
  • Frameworks: sass/compass, bourbon/neat/bitters, grunt/gulp,
    foundation 4/5, jquery, requirejs, xml, smarty, hundreds of JS/jquery libraries/plugins
  • Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, MSSQL

WordPress requires regular maintenance to ensure security, stability and speed. These changes are driven by a constant update of devices, browsers, SEO requirements, emerging security issues, and more.

The scope of website maintenance varies based on your needs. For some clients, we just manage the technical maintenance, whereas for others we help with content, design updates, and improvements to their site’s ability to attract and engage users.

Maintenance is not a one-time task and should occur on a regular, recurring schedule. Depending on the size and stakes of the site, basic maintenance may take anywhere from 2-20 hours. That work can be scheduled weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly.

Our website maintenance packages start at $400 per month.