Netrush partners with iconic brands to control the chaos of selling products on Amazon. In case you weren’t aware, Amazon can be a minefield for brands. Hazy sales data, inconsistent MAP and brand experience, sub-optimal shopper experience with duplicate ASINs, and a general lack of resources are just a few of the dangers threatening brands’ success online. Netrush combines supply chain capabilities with creative services to give brands control of their message and access to their customers across Amazon and other emerging marketplaces.


creative departments all represented harmoniously


videos showcased organically on page


How We Helped

Well known in the industry but equipped with only a splash page, Netrush was “ready to amplify their position as the leading marketplace retailer for premium, heart-filled, kick-ass brands.” That’s how they talk, seriously. We were hooked. Another Vancouver digital agency emanating with passion for their clients wants to collaborate on a web project? Uh, yep. We’re definitely on board.

Simplify the Path Without Belittling Capabilities

Going into the web project, we had an issue. How do you effectively explain the widespread value of a business without coming off like the chatty neighbor everyone avoids? You see, when you partner with Netrush for your Amazon needs here’s everything you get:

  • Catalog management
  • Brand control
  • Supply chain services
  • Amazon account management
  • Customer service
  • Advisory services
  • Account health services
  • Creative services
  • Digital marketing

Peel the Onion

A tactic we tossed around our strategy sessions was allowing customers to “peel the onion.” As you go beyond what you observe on the surface, potential customers begin to uncover the full value Netrush provides to businesses struggling on Amazon. This line of thinking led us to develop a solution-based approach to information architecture and content strategy focused on the target audiences’ primary pain points.


Showcase Intimate Client Relationships

If you’re a retail brand, the best part about partnering with Netrush is the people that instantly start working as part of your brand. But it’s not just about the specialists, it’s the intimate relationships with your brand that really sets Netrush apart. To communicate that message, we got them in front of the camera. As a result, the website is loaded with that personal touch and attention to detail—traits partners believe are the company’s greatest differentiators.

Bringing Ideas to Life

Throughout the strategy and planning process, we’ve been thinking about how to communicate these big ideas effectively. How do we want the message to flow throughout each page and within the website as a whole? We took our time sketching blocks and designing prototypes, testing concepts and user paths, and designing a look and feel that elevates the well-established Netrush brand.


Attracting potential employees

One audience you can never ignore is a company’s potential employees. Recruitment is a priority for Netrush so the “Who We Are” page needed to speak to multiple personas, without muddying the pure devotion their people exude for clients. Show the passion, show the culture, and intelligently route job-seekers to listings.

Building a Creative Partnership

It’s not often we partner with such a creative powerhouse. Netrush is bursting with talent—think: designers, strategists, copywriters, photographers, you name it—all in-house and eager. Our role was to set these folks up for success. We worked closely with the Netrush team to guide their team’s efforts toward a single objective, giving them the tools to not only populate a website but also set the creative direction for projects and content creation going forward.



We love working with Netrush. The freedom to explore and the rigorous collaboration to push ideas further are always traits that result in the best digital experiences. Netrush clients can now land on a website that reflects both the professional expertise and the personal touch the Netrush team earnestly puts into every partnership.

Our Thoughts

Colleen Pyle headshot

We knew Netrush was going to be an amazing client from our first meeting. They have so much talent in-house that it was a terrific collaboration to sit at a table together and dream up ways to push goals, knowing that teams on either side could work together to deliver. Added benefit - their full team is local, so we were able to spend many hours at their beautiful campus working through solutions for their information architecture.

Colleen Pyle, VP of Client Experience
Emma headshot

They wanted to be challenged by what we brought to the table, and desired a solution that was outside-the-box. We were able to create really fun animations for their homepage. Their team was open, fun, and great to brainstorm with.

Emma Kardaras, Art Director

We developed a great relationship with the very talented Netrush marketing team resulting in a natural collaborative process. I truly felt like I was a part of their team. They had a great visual brand to work with and were willing to take risks on the design which always makes projects more exciting.

Jason Lance, Creative Director

What I love about Netrush is they definitely COULD have designed their own site — they have a strong design team— and it probably would have been pretty good. They wanted to be great, though, so they brought in a partner to ensure their digital brand matched up with the strength of their online brand.

Flynt Johnson, VP of Sales & Marketing